Quick BOB descriptors

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BOB stats: 243m DeFi TVL + 500k wallets + over 100 projects



BOB is a unique Hybrid Layer 2 that combines Bitcoin’s security with EVM smart contracts. Powered by BitVM, it enables BTC to be deployed into DeFi in a trust-minimized way. BOB also operates BTC-secured bridges to Ethereum and other chains, providing BTC holders with the most secure and decentralized access to Bitcoin DeFi products.

The Hybrid model has been designed to merge the strengths of Bitcoin and Ethereum, fusing Bitcoin's security and capital with Ethereum's DeFi innovation and versatility. By placing BTC at the heart of DeFi, BOB can unlock new use cases and trillions in liquidity. This makes BOB the ideal home for Bitcoin DeFi.




BOB is an open-source project started in 2023 by Distributed Crafts, a UK research & development company founded in 2019, with 30 team members today.