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Quick BOB descriptors

What is BOB?

BOB ("Build on Bitcoin") is a first-of-its-kind hybrid Layer-2 powered by Bitcoin and Ethereum. By combining the security, liquidity, userbase, and innovation of the two largest blockchain ecosystems, BOB closes the gap between Bitcoin as a vehicle for mass adoption and Ethereum as a hub for innovation. BOB is bootstrapped as an ETH rollup, adding PoW security next and actively contributing to BitVM v2.

BOB is backed by Castle Island Ventures, Mechanism Capital, Coinbase Ventures, and other high-profile VCs and is positioned to become the most secure and accessible Layer-2 for builders and users.

Why hybrid L2?

BOB’s vision is to combine the best of Bitcoin (users, adoption, liquidity, market cap, and POW security) with the innovation capabilities of Ethereum (EVM, smart contracts, self-custody web3 wallets):

BOB Architecture

BOB Stack